Family Relationship

Key reasons of loving a dog more than a husband

Key reasons of loving a dog more than a husband

The main reasons are to love a dog more than a husband

Love for one partner or another cannot really equate to loving a dog; They are both very different. But it can be easy to bathe your cute dog with affection and attention. Dogs constantly seek and wait for love, while a loved one cannot. Often times, your partner may assume you love the pet more than him or her. Take a look at our list before going into couples therapy to see the main reasons why you should love a dog more than a husband.

  1. First, when you get home, welcome your dog.

After a long day or a long trek, you walk through the door and shower your puppy with hugs and kisses, but don’t treat others. Although your wife doesn’t need or wants an instant hug, make sure she knows she misses him as much as she longs for him.

You also need to be careful about causing behavior problems when welcoming your dog. The trainer tells you not to turn your greetings and goodwill into emotional scenes because it will make your dog feel upset. This practice will increase fear of separation and worsen the dog’s pain alone.

behavior problems

  1. Rain your dog with compliments.

You tell him multiple times a day how beautiful he is, but you seldom bother saying that your husband looks cool or great in that new shirt. Men enjoy the compliments, too!

  1. You always share pictures of your dog online.

You can upload pictures of your partner or both of you sometimes, but when your friends look at your Facebook feed, it’s often full of pictures of you and your dog. Who can blame you? Who can blame you? This dog is very attractive and makes things even more beautiful. But it might be easier to create your Facebook profile, so your family and friends can choose to see all these dog park pictures or not.