Child Psychology

How about getting a child to put toys back in plays

How about getting a child to put toys back in plays

Do your children pick up their toys and put them away? Mine… most of the time. Mine do. My kids make insane and wild messes, but it is a priority to clean up and put away. How? How?

And how about getting a child to put toys back in plays and allow them to do so?

  • To start with, have an organized and beautiful setting.

If a room or space is humiliated, if the kid has toys, there is no hope that they can pick up and put away. Children must know where their toys are going and where to place them. This must be clear and clear. Set the child for success, make cleaning easy!

  • Comply with our standards.

Children must know what our goals are – so they can satisfy them. This is a clear example of the school setting. The children know very well what is anticipated and that is why they go to school after themselves. At home, kids need to know the limits, whether they have to clean up for every operation or at the end of the day or if they should leave anything behind, what must be packaged? As an example: our children are able to leave their blocks in our house, they often have large works that they want to work on for several days, but the blocks must be kept on a (big rock, the rock defines the field.

  • Be a model of successful role.

It is hard to ask our children to clean up if we do not clean ourselves (to some degree). We must show our kids that we value our stuff and our environment. If our children see us packaging, they will probably do so too.

clean up

  • Clean together.

Especially with young children, but with my 8-year-old I will still do so. Their mess is always daunting. You might like business. Show them that they are not alone – help them. It can be more fun to clean together, take less time, and also inspire a reluctant child to enter.

  • Start teaching kids to pick up their toys young as they are.

I don’t expect small children to clean themselves, but if you do it together in a fun way a child always likes to help, packing blocks. We should show a small child that sweeping the activity is part of the activity. If we do it from an early age on, clean-up is not that high. However, it can be very difficult for a kid who has never had to clean up after himself.